JoJo Comments on Hyde Trip NoNo

Friday, June 13, 2008

Look, just because she’s 15 doesn’t mean that JoJo isn’t allowed in night clubs, ok?!?

Wait, it does? Oh. Our bad.


The singer, who caused a mini-scandal in October when she was spotted at L.A.’s Hyde Lounge, recently defended her trip there. Without confirming rumors of a Jessica Biel/Derek Jeter dance floor pairing, JoJo said:

“I didn’t know it was 21 and over … It’s a freakin’ restaurant and I was there with my mom and two other underage friends. I had milk and cookies! I wasn’t drinking alcohol.”

Of course, they were magic cookies, the kind Pete Doherty eats. And the milk was 2%. But neither of those possibly untrue facts means that the child will be visiting Hyde again:

“It’s not really my thing. I just dipped my toes (in the scene).”

Meanwhile, the singer (real name: Joanna Levesque) turns 16 on December 20 and still won’t be able to legally imbibe for five years. But that hasn’t stopped her from landing a top-10 hit with “Too Little Too Late.”

Critics and fans have compared JoJo to Mariah Carey and Beyoncé (who she calls “my biggest role model”). Our staff thinks she’s just the latest example of how young stars are getting, however.

There’s just no telling where we’ll see JoJo - or Ali Lohan - next. But someone may wanna check Wilder Valderrama’s bedroom.


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